Continuum Associates LLC

A rapidly changing and advancing industry needs modern tools and methods to keep up with changes the industry is facing.

CA has developed a new class of advanced tools to keep up with some of the most profound emerging trends in the industry. Our tools incorporate the latest ISO, RTO, and planning rules, are intuitive to use, and address the challenges engineers are facing today. We help you make advanced grid studies and analytics an exact science rather than guesswork.


OptiTrans™ is our response to planning and analytical challenges presented by FERC Order 1000. OptiTrans™ helps users evaluate all possible transmission solutions to an identified problem and rank solutions in terms of their performance, based on defined performance metrics. This tool can be used to evaluate transmission solutions to identified economics or market efficiency problems, a transmission reliability problem, or a combination of transmission reliability and market efficiency (economics) related problem. The unique differentiator for OptiTrans™ is the underlying GIS database which helps accurately assess the cost and scope of a transmission solution to an identified transmission constraint. Highly automated, with inbuilt intelligent algorithms that mimic tried and tested transmission network planning methods, OptiTrans™ can help you assess and study thousands of transmission solutions in a matter of hours vs. weeks which traditional transmission planning takes. OptiTrans™ helps reduce the technical planning task by over 80%, increases accuracy of the entire chain of planning tasks, and takes guess work out of the planning process turning it into an exact science. OptiTrans™ can help your planners and planning team evaluate the most effective transmission solutions in the early stages of a proposal solicitation window, leaving significant time to develop other important aspects of the proposal such as financial, regulatory, and environmental related components of project proposal.


GenPredict™ was specifically developed to forecast the energy production of variable and intermittent generation resources. As the generation mix of the electric power grid changes quickly and drastically, variable and intermittent generation penetration has increased significantly. Compared to fossil fuel based and other dispatchable sources of energy, intermittent and variable sources of energy are dependent on environmental factors such as solar irradiation and wind, in addition to plant specific factors such as quality of equipment and its performance. GenPredict™ factors in these various technical factors and using a database of latest and accurate weather data to precisely predict the energy generation for intermittent resources of energy. Inbuilt artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities analyze and improve on results, and continue to improve precision of results from the tool.